You’ve spent your money on a good pair of boots for work that will ensure your feet are protected while you complete your duties. If you’d like to keep your boots in good shape to last as long as possible, it is essential to take care of them as you would any other piece of top-quality footwear. We are constantly preoccupied with our jobs, so why not save money by reviving your boots?
1. Choose the Right Size
It’s worth ten minutes more to try and walk about in your safety footwear that will save you time and pain later when you need to work in them. If you visit the store to purchase men’s boots, put on the socks you typically wear for work. Try on both pairs of boots before wandering around the store.
Your boots should be comfortable from the moment you put them on. The time isn’t right to buy boots based on price. If you look after your it, they will last far longer and offer more comfort than an inexpensive pair that doesn’t fit well. The right pair of boots early will save time and cost.
2. Switch Your Boots Around
Alternately wearing your work boots is a good idea if you have two pairs. It is similar to the way marathon runners change shoes during training. If you’re walking or standing at a job site for hours or pounding the pavement for miles and miles, changing among two sets of footwear will extend its life. The reason for this is that we sweat in our footwear for hours. Moisture erodes leather and insoles. Allowing your footwear to dry out for a while will aid in prolonging its life.
3. Keep the Leather Supple
It is a natural substance that is dry. Wear and dryness cause leather to break down, reducing boot stability. Apply a leather-protecting moisturizing lotion every week. You will find it at any department store, and it’s under ten dollars. Taking two minutes to care for your safety footwear will not only help keep the leather in good condition but can also extend the life of your shoes.
4. Use a Neoprene Boot Cover
Wearing winter work boots is crucial for your safety and minimizing your liability. Most of our work sites are inside. Being unable to wear work shoes outside brings rain, muck grime, snow, and dirt inside. It is not professional and can increase the expense of cleaning and time. Furthermore, when we pull our safety boots off and then jam our feet back into them to get them back on, we put a lot of pressure on the heel of the safety boot, which wears down the leather in this area.
Prevent the time and discomfort of repeatedly removing and replacing your boots and the risk of not wearing safety footwear in the first place when you visit the home of a client. They’re washable, reusable, and can be put over safety shoes. They also feature an anti-slip grip that keeps your feet safe while working.
If you’re looking for Boulet cowboy boots to add to your collection, there are many stores that sell different styles that are made with top-quality leather from around the world.
5. Keep Your Work Boots Clean
While walking indoors, safety boot covers will keep your boots clean from the elements. However, cleaning your shoes is essential. Mud, snow, and grit build up on your soles. Due to the lack of ridges, the sole is unable to grip. If your safety boots are covered in dirt or snow on them, make sure you clean the body of the boot and the soles.
The mud dries the leather, while the ice salt destroys it. Making a point of wiping them clean after the end of your day will dramatically extend the lifespan of your boots. These five tips can save you money and extend the life of your protective boots.