There’s nothing more exciting than using your favorite pair of shoes whenever you head out of your house. But what’s heartbreaking is when the weather condition unexpectedly turns cloudy and rainy, or you unintentionally step in a pile of dog poo. Whether your collection is rare or you merely want to rock what you got, you must keep your shoes fresh as long as possible. And there are methods on how to keep them squeaky clean, and long-lasting.
Tips on Storing Sneakers
Store Your Sneakers Properly
Whatever home type you live in, there are ideal areas to store your sneakers. What’s important is that the place is dry with moderate conditions. Keep in mind that heat and humidity are your enemies when it comes to your sneakers. Some sneakerheads think the garage, basement, or attic are the perfect spots, but this may not be correct in some cases.
The best option could be your closet or an extra bedroom that you are not using. If you go for the latter, keep those blinds shut to avoid direct sunlight that causes sun bleaching ruining your sneakers’ color. You should also make sure to avoid flash floods by elevating your collection.
Eliminate the Original Boxes
Your shoes’ original boxes tend to provide less protection and break down gradually as they do not have the necessary structure to support a heavyweight. You should do this even more if you have multiple pairs of shoes. Instead, buy high-quality plastic storage bins that you can easily find online. The best thing about them is that they can fit even the bulky sneakers for all your stacking needs.
Organize Your Kicks
One way to preserve your shoes is by sorting them, and believe it or not, the method on how you do it is necessary. Usually, you arrange them by model, brand name, color, etc. But you can do more, such as creating a different section for your shoes by season. There should be an area for your sneaker boots that you wear during specific months of the year or running shoes that you wear many times throughout the year. Just ensure that before you keep them for later use, reevaluate your shoe collection and examine if they’re in excellent condition. Treat them with some shoe products, like shoe crease protectors, water repellent spray, wipes, etc., which you can easily find online.
Though you can machine wash your sneakers to get rid of odor and dirt, extreme caution is required for this procedure. Avoid doing this to some materials such as suede and leather because they can be damaged easily. Instead, you can use shoe wipes to get rid of marks and splashes or trainer protector spray to protect your shoes against the rain and prolong their life, whatever the material is.
Use Crease Protectors
Crease guards are small foams that you insert into your shoes to avoid creasing or wrinkling. They remain comfortably fit on top of your shoe to support and keep shape, especially if your shoes are not your proper size. Generally, shoes bigger than your foot size tend to flex while you’re walking, resulting in creasing. Did you know that creasing also causes foot problems?
If you’re looking for top-quality and affordable shoe products, check out Sneaker Shield. They sell a wide array of shoe accessories, including their bestseller Sneaker Shield foot locker. You can visit their website for more info.
Do not Ignore Your Laces
It’s always best to buy additional laces for your shoes since this will give an instant makeover. If it’s not possible for some reason, clean the existing ones by soaking them in hot water with your preferred laundry powder. After they’re clean and dry, you can iron them before relacing your shoes.
No matter how often you use shoe products for your sneakers, don’t expect them to keep their health and good looks if you don’t store them properly. Tossing them just everywhere where they can become soiled and misshapen is among the factors that reduce their lifespan. Make sure to invest in premium shoe accessories and buy only from reliable stores to guarantee effectiveness.